Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mariners take 1st in the AL West

For now, the Mariners are 1st in the AL West. If the A's beat the Yanks (tied in the 8th right now), then it's a tie, but for now, we have a lead on the division, something I never thought would happen. But if Felix has made 2 of the 6 starts, it's easy for us to have a great record. I dread when we have to play 2 double headers with the Indians instead of having days off. For now, we look good. Our offense isn't coming around yet, but Guillen, Beltre, and Sexson look like they will start hitting soon. Washburn is looking like he might be worth the money we pay him, and Batista looks like he could be the solid 3rd man. Now if we just find someone to replace Weaver, I can see a run at the playoffs (either Morrow later, Feierabend now, or Baek/Woods now). Anyways, my pick to win the World Series, the Angels, are not doing so well because Colon and Weaver are still out, and now Escobar is back on the DL.


Jon said...

Mariners EXPLODED yesterday. Vidro too.

The MixRaptor said...

It's about time the mariners got their offense going. On the other hand, I expect Horam to perform worse than this in general. First place!